Our Team
The management team collectively owns 33 units and our mission is to make owning real estate more accessible to more people.
Greg Mahanna is an experienced landlord and property manager who purchased his first multi-family unit in 1995. Greg brings a wealth of experience and economies of scale to the partnership.
Investors will love that Greg knows how to get things done quickly, has a warehouse full of supplies, and has never lost money on a deal.
Alan Forbes is an experienced landlord and property manager who has flipped houses, managed seasonal rentals, and owns a multi-family unit in Dover. Alan is a hands-on person who can fix nearly
anything in a pinch.
Investors will love that Alan has an MBA from Babson College, is highly technical, and first looks to Craigslist instead of Best Buy to conserve investor capital.
Greg Mahanna
General Partner
Alan Forbes
General Partner
Patrick Closson
General Counsel & SEC Attorney